Have you recently upgraded to Windows 10? Then this might have created a problem because updates in windows can delete the programs already installed on the system. If you need to keep your PC protected then make sure you have antivirus installed in the PC. This saves the data and keeps you secure from the dark world of digital era. Any malicious malwares and virus that attack the PC will be blocked and all the data will be safe. Norton Antivirus will be recovered on your system don’t worry about that. What you all have to do is just keep yourself calm and relax.

Norton Antivirus is mostly installed on the users PCs because they give guaranteed protection from malware and virus that can attack your system. Here will be some steps that will provide you complete assistance to recover the Norton Antivirus after upgrading Windows 10. Apart from recovering or fixing issues if you have any related query to be solved you can connect to us at Norton Customer Care Number complete guidance will be provided to you from our experienced and skilled techies.

Let’s jump to the steps that will help you recover Norton Antivirus after upgrading Windows 10:


  • Download and Run the Fix Tool
  • At first you need to download the fix tool and save the file to My PC.
  • Now when you have downloaded the file then Right-Click the Windows10NortonUpgrader.exe file
  • Click run as administrator
  • While you run the tool, you have to accept the Usage Agreement
  • After performing this now follow the On Screen instructions
  • In case you do not get the installation prompt window, you can follow the below step
  • Install Norton on the system
  • On the screen, click Activate
  • In most cases, Norton will auto activate. It varies depending on your service provider.
  • Now Click Next.
  • If you see a prompt, in the My Service PIN field, type in the PIN number that is provided to you by your Service Provider.
  • If you see a prompt, enter a computer name.
  • Now Click Activate.
  • In case you have a license available, the product is activated.
  • Well, these are the steps that are available which will help you recover Norton Antivirus after upgrading Windows 10. Please feel free to grab the opportunity and avail the benefit of special assistance from us. We give support to our users via phone call or remote access solutions.

Referral Link- https://billyjohnsupport.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/09/11/165321

Do you run a business? Or certainly planning to run one this year or the next? If yes, then it will be an ear opener for all of you. Intuit has debuted QuickBooks for Desktop 2019. This is captivating, isn’t? So, does the excitement of exploring upgraded software runs in your nerves too? Especially it will run in those who use the software on daily or work basis. Because somehow the upgraded version of software lessen the load of work or give us a unique way to work.

Well, Intuit is a powering financial prosperity company that eases the way of people dealing in figures. It is a big giant invention that gives the power of big business to everyone. To inbuilt new features Intuit has debuts its QuickBooks software which is used in the field of accounting. Several features have been added and removed from the software. The highlight of the software is that it is easier to take back up and store it. Whereas online accounting is becoming more known, Intuit thinks that QuickBooks is easy and more productive. Well, technology is technology if it eases your work it also creates technical issues and for that you can take assistance from QuickBooks Contact Number to ease your problem and solve your query.

Jump to the Features below of Intuits that debut QuickBooks Desktop 2019:


  • Data Protect
  • This feature has been enhanced to automatically back up data and provides actionable messaging of back up failures to help improve.
  • Invoice Status Tracker
  • This feature gives leverage to see the real time visibility into invoice status. It enables accountant to see whether a client has viewed the invoice along the entire invoice journey.
  • Transfer Credits
  • This is a new feature added in the software that allows the user to transfer customer credit.
  • Check for Bill Pay
  • QuickBooks after implementing this feature has made the management very easy for the user. As now all the unpaid bills will be prompted that will remind that the bill is not paid. It provides quick access by showing open bills for a specific vendor.
  • Data File Optimization
  • This feature allows accountants to reduce the size of company files by about 30% without deleting the older records.
  • Inactive items in Inventory
  • Any item that is inactive can be excluded or included in the inactive inventory items.
  • Improvised IIF File Format 
  • It helps the user to check the data before importing and generates a report of issues if the file fails to import. In the previous version user did not receive any report of corrupted files.
  • Pick, Pack and Ship
  • This feature is available only for the QuickBooks Enterprise Platinum Edition only. It helps to manage the sales order fulfillment process from central dashboard or mobile device.

    These are the new introduced features in QuickBooks. If you need assistance for any related issue you can contact us at QuickBooks Support Helpline Number we will provide complete assistance. We are a third party individual provides solutions to the users.

Reference Site- https://billyjohnsupport.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/09/10/204018

Hola!! Everyone, “Bright Morning gives a Bright Start” We all know this, Isn’t it? What we wish when we wake up in the morning? That we all have a bright day as a bright sunny morning, Right? So, here is news to all the trippers out there. I must say you will totally love this one. Especially who want to entertain themselves through listening songs, watching movies and videos but you go out of battery on iPods and Phones and you have to miss out on such entertainment. But to fill your entertainment and add some spice to your enthusiastic journey we have something in our pocket to share with you all. Well, American Airlines have bolted free live television for their passengers.

I know this is exciting, No? We all have been waiting for the time that can save our device batteries and we also have some rock, hip hop songs along with those Rom-Com movies those we never want to miss our hands on. And now, this will totally happen to the entire globetrotter out in the sphere. This news is not completed yet; we have exciting features of Live Television that will make you elevated to take a flight right away. If you are literally planning to book a flight or see the scheduling you can take assistance from American Airlines Customer Support Number you will be informed about all the other exciting offers or deals that are in the way.

Take a tour on the points below to see what American Airlines have to say more about Free Live Television Streaming: 


  • There will be 12 channels available for free on more than 100 aircrafts and planes. It is a planning to make hundreds more in the coming years.
  • The Live Streaming Television is equipped with the latest high speed WiFi, including 48 Airbus A320s and more than 60 A319s.
  • Those flights are predominantly used for domestic flights. Whereas American Airlines had previously installed live television channel on international routes.

Well, it came into hearing that passengers have requested to experience a living room ambience in the air. So, American Airlines have installed Free Television to fulfill the requests of passengers. And give them the ability to stream their favorite shows on demand, charge their phones and stay connected during their travel. American Airlines is serving its best to give an enthralling experience to their passengers. It is a dream of every airline and passenger to give and receive an amusing journey during the entire travel.

Ref Site- https://billyjohnsupport.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/09/10/175512

Kaspersky antivirus is the most popular antivirus that offers secure and safe services to its users. It also helps one with an ultimate user experience. There are many advantages enhanced that fulfills users need and demand and among several of them, it is the best one.

Users can dial Kaspersky customer support number for attaining immediate, help from professionals. If they have any query or want solution for any problem then reaching us is the best option that fulfills all the demands and needs of users.  Besides, those users can also follow up the mentioned steps below:

Significant Steps to Activate Commercial Version of Kaspersky Antivirus:

  • At first just make sure that your system date is correct and it is also saved. If it is not correct make the correction and save it.
  • Now again, you will see an Activation Code field in an Activation window.
  • If you don’t see any activation window  that is displayed on the screen after installation then you can run Kaspersky Antivirus 2017
  • Enter the activation code
  • Now click on the Activate option
  • When you will receive notification window with Activation Completed Successfully
  • After that you can click finish
  • Now save the activation code in a secure place
  • After that you can also use My Kaspersky Service

You can easily follow these steps for Activating Commercial Version of Kaspersky Antivirus through professionals help and support. The entire team of highly skilled professionals and talented individuals are available to help you in attaining fastest recovery for all problems. The experts from kaspersky antivirus will certainly assist you in attaining effective and immediate solution. The team of highly skilled individuals is there to help you in the easiest and perfect manner. So connect whenever needed, anytime and anywhere.

Referral Site- https://billyjohnsupport.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/09/08/163431

Hola!! “Like a smiling face gives you the courage to fix the issues in life, Similarly, Running an antivirus can fix your system issues” So, are you using antivirus? Do you think using antivirus can sort out your virus issues? Well, we all have our trust built on certain brands? Do you trust Norton Antivirus? Yes, right. This is the reason you are here to check out how you can exclude files from Norton Antivirus.

As most of us who are here reading this would be using Norton Antivirus. And we know that Norton Antivirus is one of the leading companies in Security Software Industry. This has lead to such upgrade level that eases the user’s way at every step. This is the reason like other antivirus programs Norton Antivirus lets you exclude files and folders from being scanned. Below we will discuss the steps that how to exclude files from Norton Antivirus. And along with the steps you have Norton customer service number always available by your side. You can connect with us anytime you require assistance.

Go ahead with the steps mentioned below to exclude Norton Antivirus: 


  • Firstly, Open the Norton Antivirus Software
  • Here select Settings
  • Now, select the Antivirus option from the Settings
  • Visit to the Scans and risks option
  • Here go to Exclusion/Low Risks section
  • Click Configure option next to where you want to make changes. There are two sets of options:
  • One is for exclusions to anti-virus scans,
  • And second is the exclusion to the real time protection features of the Norton software.
  • In the exclusions screen, go to the Add folder and Add files buttons to locate you want and make a new exclusion rule.
  • Lastly, Click OK to save all the amendments you has made.

Note:  Only exclude files if you are confident they are not infected. Because these excluded files are not seen and protected by Norton Antivirus.

We hope the above steps might help you out and make you back to your work as soon as possible. We give support to our users anytime they are comfortable around the clock. And also, our services, techniques and accessibility are completely transparent between user and our executives. So feel free to grab the opportunity and ask for personal assistance whenever and wherever required in fixing system issues.

Ref URL- https://billyjohnsupport.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/09/03/205047

“Everyone has the right to be free from Cyber Crime fear” Do you agree? We all know deep and down that if the invention of Internet is bliss then using it more promptly is dangerous. We all fear by the stories revolving around us like some ones account is hacked; some ones data has been steeled or some ones valuable information has been misused.

We think thrice now before using public PCs and Laptops which is great but we have developed trust issues so far. We even do not sustain trust on our close ones. Well it’s not only you. We all are facing this dilemma. This is why we need antivirus, and this is why we are here to discuss about how to reset Kaspersky Total Security Trial 2019.

Kaspersky Antivirus is one of the quality assured brand, which provides proper security software antivirus for use. Along with this, users are also delighted to use trial version of antivirus to explore more. Now follow the steps to rest Kaspersky Total Security Trial 2019 and if you face any errors don’t worry we are here. Your problems can be fixed within the fraction of time by dialing Kaspersky Antivirus customer support numberPlease feel free to grab the contact number to resolve the queries.

Steps to Reset Kaspersky Total Security 2019:

  • Open your Kaspersky Total Security Trial version
  • Now have a look that how many days are remaining
  • Go on the gear icon i.e. Settings options on the bottom left corner of the trial version.
  • After going in you will see a tab named “Protection” under General heading
  • Move the slider “Off” on Protection tab
  • Now  go to Additional setting
  • Here uncheck the box against Enable Self Defense option and unload Antivirus
  • Now Run KRT.exe and Click “Reset Activation”
  • Launch the Antivirus Program
  • Restart the PC depending on the antivirus version KRT version
  • After performing the above task, remove KRT.exe and empty the recycle bin
  • Now Run the antivirus protection to include
  • Resume your protection by activating the Antivirus Program

You are all done!! Now you will be able to reset the Kaspersky Total Security 2019. Well, enjoy your extended trial version and keep the system safe and secure. Not only this, you can also attain assistance from us. Our tech-group is passing the best bit of technician support to investigate and fix the issue.

Reference Site- https://billyjohnsupport.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/08/31/161517

Among the long list of antivirus being available Quick Heal is definitely the best one. Well, other antivirus also holds special benefits and specifications, but Quick Heal is slightly different from others. There are many that it holds and each of them avails the best services and solution which make work better and also secure your data and system to the fullest.

In Quick Heal antivirus there are several errors also that trouble users and these errors can be resolved by directly connecting with professionals and specialists to attain instant help. Users can also dial Quick Heal Customer Support Number for receiving fastest and complete recovery from all persisting issues.

What are the Causes of Quick Heal Error ID: 1002?

  • The update file is getting corrupted while downloading process due to slow net or network fluctuations.
  • There is a wrong update file that is getting downloaded due to stale contents from the internet.
  • The Live update is getting interrupted due to unstable internet connectivity

How can you eliminate Quick Heal Error ID: 1002?

  • At first just retry to update after some time just proceed with steps no. 2
  • Next step is change the default DNS by configuring active network connection settings
  • After this just set it to open DNS
  • Now again retry to update Quick Heal with alternate Internet connection.
  • It’s done

Well if you get confused with following the steps for Quick Heal antivirus you can just simply connect with us. Our skilled and talented engineers will easily eliminate the problems that are being upcoming in your antivirus. All the error codes will be eliminated in limited time without any trouble or hindrances.

You can choose our effective and timely support without much glitch and concern to depend upon us for help and support whenever needed. You can connect with our professionals via Quick Heal Customer Care Number for help. We are basically dependant as a most dependable and trustworthy third party technical support team providers who completely remove all problems without any concerns. Just feel free to connect with us for help anytime and anywhere.

Reference URL- https://billyjohnsupport.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/08/22/195259

Avira Antivirus is definitely one of the most outstanding and handy antivirus. There are many features that Avira users are enhanced with and they make all work accomplished perfectly. In order to explore those features, users require installation, setup and configuration of Avira antivirus.

Avira has recently updated its features and recently maximum users are switching to this antivirus by leaving other antivirus behind. Avira antivirus customer support number helps users in communicating with the professional experts directly for any sort of help they need. Besides, one can follow up the steps of setup process in antivirus, when they want to use this software in their devices for protection and safety.

Steps for Avira setup Process 

  • Open main window of Avira Antivirus
  • click on Activate Now option
  • Now open your Avira account details
  • Login to your Avira service account
  • Enter key
  • Enter the product key
  • If you want to Buy a license
  • Click on purchase a subscription

These are the convenient steps that users are required to take for setting up avira antivirus in their devices. Well, each of the devices has different process and one can follow them accordingly, but the initial setup steps are to be taken commonly and one can also take it through the help of professionals via Avira antivirus customer service number

In order to avoid issues or problems, it is user’s responsibility to handle all glitch successfully without any concern. The team of experts and professionals handle all problems easily through essential steps. If any problem or

Our 24/7 Avira Antivirus Installation Support by experts:

Our Professionals here are available around the clock that avail immediate help and support for setup and configuration. The online support team here offers services to all the users with product key activation also. Feel free to connect here whenever needed.  

Reference Link- https://billyjohnsupport.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/08/22/182924

Today our whole life belongs in a small device which we call a “Phone”. We cannot live without our phones because all our important data whether it is related to our personal life or professional life, all is stored in that one small device. When we step out from our place what we check the first thing our “Mobile Phone”. Well I do this on personal note, and off course we all do.

So, to protect your important device in which your whole life belong. Kaspersky Antivirus protects the information stored in the phone, even if your phone or tablet gets stolen or lost. Setup the Kaspersky Antivirus in Android Devices and if you suffer any problem while setting up the antivirus dial Kaspersky Customer Service Numberwe are sure all your queries will be sorted in a bit.

Basic steps to Setup Kaspersky Antivirus in Android Devices:

  • Get your phone connected to the PC and launch the automatic installation of Kaspersky Mobile Security from the CD you have purchased the Antivirus. If not you can download it from Kaspersky Lab Site.
  • Install the antivirus, a dialogue window will pop up with the message “Do you want to install this application?” then click install.
  • Now when the application is installed click open.
  • Agree with the License Agreement.
  • Select the country and click Next
  • Activate the device administrator by clicking next and selecting “Active” in the Active device administrative.
  • Select create an account option and fill the required fields of Name and other information.
  • Now activate your data and time correctly and continue.
  • Note: If you have the activation code then you can activate the commercial version of Kaspersky Mobile Security.

Now, you have all elaborated steps to follow and setup your Kaspersky Antivirus in Android Devices. Hopefully you don’t face any problem in setting up but in case if you have any trouble dial Kaspersky antivirus support number. We are here to assist our users via call support and remote access solutions.

Reference Site- https://billyjohnsupport.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/08/22/162449

HP Pavilion is a line of personal computers that is being produced by Hewlett-Packard. This series was introduced in 1995 and its name is applied to both desktops and laptops for home as well as for office related products. HP brings lot more range with certain unique features in each of them.

Amongst the wide range of facilities it is being availing to its users, there are also several advantages that it renders. These make every work accomplished and also make work easier. If your HP Pavilion dv6000 Entertainment laptop screen gets dead, as in it not showing anything in screen, you can take steps to recover it on your own or else you can of course connect with the engineers of HP via HP customer support number.

Steps to recover HP Pavilion dv6000 Entertainment laptop dead screen?

  • At first just unplug the power cord
  • After this remove the battery
  • Hold the power button for 60 seconds
  • Now re-connect the power and attempt a boot
    now you can shut down and put the battery back

This way you will be able to recover HP pavilion dv6000 dead screen easily.  Users must not get worried, or panic all at once; rather one can just simply dial HP Customer Service NumberThis easy to use process will definitely help you in recovering the problem. But if in any case you are not able to do so, then you can just simply reach us. Our team of skilled professionals is available to help you enjoy the convenient access. The professionals are available to help users in receiving ultimate solution for the same. Engineers here are talented experts and they have years of knowledge in removing all concerns that exists in HP laptop and devices. You can reach us whenever required.

Reference Site- 


Are you getting trouble in Gmail configuration? You are at right place to solve your query. We all users know about Gmail very well, they can just simply get the finest features into their usage whenever needed. In Gmail there are many more benefits that helps users as well as several different options are also available.

When you log in to Gmail account, you see number of options, Right? Now these options will help you edit the required changes you want to have in your account. But to make such amendments you need to follow the process mentioned below. Before starting I want you to know that you can contact Gmail customer service number in case of personalized assistance.


Follow the below mentioned process to configure your settings in Gmail:


  • Language settings:  you have to click settings and then select display language of Gmail. Apply any language you prefer to use for your Gmail account. You can also click to show more language options in case some languages are hidden
  • Maximum page size Settings: By default Gmail has a limit of 50 conversations, but you can also make it 100 conversations per page. In settings select the number from the drop down.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: This option allows you to configure the shortcut settings; it depends on you to turn it off or on depending upon your specific requirements.
  • Security: Browser connection option is available to enhance the security of the Gmail account. You can turn on this option to make your account safe and secure.
  • Add Signature: If you want to add signature beneath every mail, you can simply open the text box option and type your signature.
  • Vacation Responder: This option is turned off by default. This option is used when you want to send the automated replies to the incoming messages. You can set the Vacation Responder option on and can enter a subject and message for the automated replies.
  • Labels and Filters: These tabs are used to manage labels and create email filters respectively.
  • Now, click save button, so that all the changes you made are secured.

This is how you make the configuration settings in your Gmail account. The above crafted steps will not take more than few minutes for the Gmail settings. While following the process if you bear any problem then dial Gmail customer care number to acquire personal assistance. We are a team of experts and professionals assisting our users via call support and remote access solutions.

Reference Site- https://billyjohnsupport.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/08/16/200027

This is the era of digitalization and we all belong here doing internet surfing for one or another thing. One topic pops up in your mind and if you are not aware of it you search it, Right? Or shall I say you Google it, because more than the term search we use Google it, I’m sure you will agree to this. Yes?

Well, doing net surfing or downloading files it also leads the user to download viruses with it which creates a lot of problems in the PC or laptop or on any other device you use. So, to prevent this we need Avast Antivirus that protects from such viruses. Here are some steps to be followed if you need to protect you PC asp. If you face any queries you can easily dial the Avast Antivirus customer service number.

Downloading Avast antivirus system requirements is nothing special. But there can be some causes that might prevent windows 10 to download Antivirus Software:

  • Not able to install antivirus, this problem occurs if your windows 10 do not support the antivirus.
  • Your system might have the blocking antivirus installation.
  • If the system has file corruption which can also be a problem, but this can be resolved by running DISM and SFC Scans.
  • The third-party applications can also block your antivirus software to get installed.

Here follow the step-by-step manual for Avast Antivirus:

  • Run the Avast setup file and select installation type and select any one type of installation:
  • Regular Installation: Avast will be installed with the default set of components.
  • Custom Installation: This is for advance users and you can select which components to install.
  • The Avast Installation process will take 2 to 3 minutes to be completed.
  • Avast is downloaded, now click continue and your system is safe and secure.
  •  Accept the Avast Privacy Policy.
  • Review the additional Avast products.
  • At last if you want to, you can do the Paid or Free Registration either way you prefer.

 So, bottoms up and follow the steps to secure your PC or laptop. In case the installation still gives you trouble please feel free to dial Avast Customer Service NumberWe are a third party with experts assisting the users via call support and remote access solution.

Ref Site-https://billyjohnsupport.hatenablog.com/entry/2018/08/16/180331